Happy World Vegan Day!

Celebrate with your favourite vego burger

What's world vegan day?

1st of November marks a very important day for our vego friends, World Vegan Day!

You can’t win friends with salad, but you can win friends with burgers. That’s why this World Vegan Day we’re celebrating the way we know best.

… with burgers!

Check out our vegan menu

Illustration of a hand holding a tall glass of beer

What’s world vegan day?

If you’re new to World Vegan Day, allow us to introduce you. 

Every year, vegans across the globe dedicate this day to appreciate veganism. Being a vegan means avoiding animal products in all shapes and sizes. This includes meat such as fish and beef, dairy products like yoghurt and milk, and anything that comes from an animal such as honey and leather. 

Research shows that replacing 1 meat meal with 1 vego meal once a week for a year, can result in reducing emissions equivalent to driving 550 kms in a car! That’s nearly a road trip from Perth to Kalgoorlie.

Celebrating World Vegan Day doesn’t mean meat shaming – we ain’t about that – it’s about doing our best to make small changes to say thank you to the planet.

How to celebrate

It can be as big as writing a letter to the United Nations… we’ll leave that one to you. Or, it can be as small as chomping down plant based burgers with your friends (this one, we can help you with!)

States across Australia celebrate the day differently. However, something all Aussies can agree on is a good feed. Come down with your friends this World Vegan Day and give one of our vegan burgers a go! Be warned: you might surprise yourself with how much you enjoy it.

Vegan options

We understand how hard it can be to find vegan options. 

Our functions manager is vegetarian plus we have a mixed bag of dietary requirements spread throughout our entire team. Although everyone has different needs, they all say they find it easy (and damn delicious!) to eat at Varsity.

There’s nothing worse than being the one vegan in a group of friends and having to opt for a flimsy salad. Say NO to flimsy salads. That’s why when creating our menu we made certain to include a variety of options for all dietary requirements. We don’t want anyone missing out on a delicious and filling meal. 

Whether you’re vegan, vegetarian or a combination of everything… we’ve got you covered with endless options!

Most popular

If you’re unsure where to start we recommend checking out these dishes:

Taco Bowl… it’s what all of the vegans are taco’in about (too punny?)… but in all seriousness, this has been the most ordered vegan item on the menu this year! 

Next up, is the Vegan Deluxe. Once you take a bite of this burg, you’ll understand why we call it “deluxe”. Vegan bun, mixed vege patty, vegan cheese, blitzed pickles, lettuce, tomato, red onion & vegan Varsity mayo. Is your mouth watering yet?

Share onion rings and salad amongst you and your mates and you’ll be sorted.

Everyone’s Welcome

Let’s put the “happy” in “happy World Vegan Day!” 

Bring your plant loving mates down, enjoy a big ole burger and wash it down with a pint!