What’s On In

2024, here we go!

Cheers to a new year of beers, burgers, good mates and good fun!

2024 is here and we’re reaaaady! Our good resolutions stand in one line: keeping up with the good vibes! We are determined to keep bringing you the best of sports, music, fresh beers and awesome burgers and we are starting now!

Illustration of a hand holding a tall glass of beer


Veganuary coming in hot

Vegan Chow Yum Burger

We’re trying something new this month with a burger dedicated to all our Vegan mates, and those curious to try something different or even just keen to see what Veganuary is all about!

We’re diving into Veganuary with a sizzle – introducing the Vegan Chow Yum Burger. This Asian-inspired delight features vegan “chicken,” homemade mushroom chow mein, kimchi bean shoots, vegan “prawn” crackers, and a symphony of flavours on our vegan bun. Sweet, salty, crispy, and slippery – it’s your express ticket to Asia!
