Our story

Varsity didn’t start off as Perth’s best sports entertainment venues or burger joint, but the passion for American food and culture has always been there, and we knew from the get-go we wanted to bring these vibes to Perth. 

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How it all started

For the love of good burgers, sports
and good times!

When we opened up our first venue in Nedlands in 2013, our vision was to recreate the ultimate American college ‘frat-style’ bar and hangout for uni students. And that it was! So much, there wasn’t even a burger in sight.

Since then (and 7 venues later), we’ve evolved heaps and we’ll keep doing that. We’re all about the experience and creating genuinely good times, for everyone. We’re proudly WA born and support local all the way.

Follow the Varsity story…

Enjoy the Varsity Ride

We’re taking our food concept to the next level, and we have some great things on the way. So sit tight and enjoy the Varsity ride. We’re here for the long haul.

Discover who and what Varsity get behind, find out more about joining the team or explore the Varsity history.

Food at Varsity
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